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2016 Vol. 80(1) 45-69

John A. Palmer, Ph.D.
Parapsychology Press


Hitchman, G. A. M., Pfeuffer, C. U., Roe, C. A., and Sherwood, S. J. (2016). The Effects of Experimenter-Participant Interaction Qualities in a Goal-Oriented Nonintentional Precognition Task. Journal of Parapsychology, 80(1), 45-69.


The Effects of Experimenter-Participant Interaction Qualities in a Goal-Oriented Nonintentional Precognition Task

Glenn A. M. Hitchman, Christina U. Pfeuffer, Chris A. Roe, and Simon J. Sherwood

Several recent studies, inspired by psi theories such as Stanford's psi-mediated instrumental response (PMIR) model, have employed a tacit precognition protocol to test the notion that extrasensory perception may be nonintentional. After remarkable initial success, outcomes have been more inconsistent. One possible reason for the observed variability in results is that the studies were conducted by different experimenters. The current study therefore addressed a number of dimensions regarding participants' interaction with either a male or female experimenter. 52 participants took part in 12 nonintentional precognition trials and a psoitive or negative outcome task contingent on their performance. The total number of precognitive hits was marginally above mean chance expectation but failed to reach statistical significance. There were statistic positive correlations between participants' precognition scores and their ratings of the positivity of their interation with the experimenter, their rapport with the experiementer, and their level of relaxation. There were also notable differences between the two experimenters with respect to the relationships between their participant-experimenter interaction ratings and participants' tacit precognition scores; all correlations were in the predicted direction for the female experimenter, but in opposite direction for the male experimenter.


extrasensory perception, nonintentional precognition, experimenter-participant interaction

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