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2020 Vol. 84(2) 287-294

Etzel Cardeña, Ph.D.
Parapsychology Press


Alvarado, C. S. (2020). Mediums that Paint and Draw. [Review of the book Spirit Paintings and Art from the Afterlife: The Greatest Spirit Artists and Medium Painters of All Time by Maximillien de Lafayette]. and [Review of the book L’Arte Inconsapevole: La Dissociazione Creativa, l’Ispirazione, la Medianità: Studi sull’Arte Medianica (Unintentional Art: Creative Dissociation, Inspiration, Mediumship: Studies of Mediumistic Art), edited by Massimo Biondi]. Journal of Parapsychology, 84, 287-294.

Book Review

Mediums that Paint and Draw

Spirit Paintings and Art from the Afterlife: The Greatest Spirit Artists and Medium Painters of All Time by Maximillien de Lafayette. Times Square Press, 2015. Pp. 4259. Kindle Edition. $9.99

L’Arte Inconsapevole: La Dissociazione Creativa, l’Ispirazione, la Medianità: Studi sull’Arte Medianica [Unintentional Art: Creative Dissociation, Inspiration, Mediumship: Studies of Mediumistic Art], edited by Massimo Biondi. GSE, 2018. Pp. 167. 18.00 Euros. ISBN 978-88-943176-1-9

Carlos S. Alvarado


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